Andrew Groot — — GitHub,, Stack Exchange

Work Experience Otterbein University — Adjunct Faculty [Fall 2024]
  • Instructor for COMP 3600: Database Systems
  • Re-worked class to include more hands-on development with a database
  • Added class content to better cover security and distributed database concepts
Independent Research — Self-Guided, Focus on Digital Signal Processing [2024]
  • Digital filter design with Octave/Matlab, spectral processing via Fourier transform
  • Embedded real-time audio programming with programmable Eurorack modules
  • Application of wavetables as a video game mechanic (From Peak to Peak)
  • Application of cellular automata as a video game mechanic (Sleeper Cells)
Software Verde, LLC — Master Software Engineer [2011-2012, 2017-2024]
  • Full stack web development, including system and database administration
  • Unity and Gdoto game and app development, including AR/VR
  • Bitcoin Cash-based blockchain development (e.g. Bitcoin Verde, Dublin Identity)
  • Mobile app development (native Android and iOS, Flutter)
  • Created/maintained various open-source libraries, primarily in Java
  • Involved in business development, project planning, and team leadership
J.P.Morgan Chase & Co. — Application Developer [2012-2017]
  • WebSphere Java development of middleware web services and batch processes
  • Maintenance of build and deployment processes (via Bash and Python scripts)
  • Created a widely used library that saved an estimated ~$1,000,000 in development hours
  • Lead developer for a small team, managing project timelines and assigning tasks to other developers
  • Long term project planning and budgeting, regulatory compliance, HA/DR review
  • Certified Application Security Champion (ASC) 2014-2017
  • JPMorgan Chase STAMP (Summer Technology Analyst Mentoring Program) Mentor
Education The Ohio State University — Student [2008-2012]
  • B.S. in Computer and Information Science, Honors, Cum Laude
  • Minors in Mathematics and Creative Writing, significant coursework in Physics and Philosophy
Other Work
Research Software Verde"Double Spend Proofs: Protocol Improvements and Providing End-User Guidance" [2021]
  • Double-spend proofs had recently been added to Bitcoin Cash as a beta feature, but with a number of shortcomings
  • This proposal explored the implications of these shortcomings and made a number of suggestions that would help improve the use and interpretation of these messages
The Ohio State University"The No-Three-In-Line Problem on a Torus" [2010-2012]
  • The No-Three-In-Line Problem is an unsolved problem asking for the maximum number of points that can be placed on a square grid such that no three are in a line
  • Performed calculations using Mathematica and Macaulay2 (a language designed for commutative algebra)
  • Presented at the Denman Undergradate Research Forum